Maybe it’s just my love of Camarón or my quest to see Seville in new ways, but I was crossing my fingers I’d get to do the Seven Super Shots run by . Similar to the ABCs of Travel, this virtual game of tag centers around photography, which I am all to willing to admit to loving.
The gimmick is to examine the snaps you’ve taken and choose the best out of several categories. When reading a few others on my Google Reader, I already had mine mentally picked out.
A Shot That Takes My Breath Away
One of my favorite spots to camp out and enjoy Sevillian life is along the Guadalquivir. On such an afternoon a few Springs ago, my friend Diana and I spread a blanket on the grass next to a few gypsies playing their cajones and just listened to everyone around us. As we walked back over the Cachorro bridge, we were surprised by this whimsical, swirling sunset.
A Photo That Makes Me Smile
I just adore this kid. Not yet two, she thinks the world is her oyster and would eat it if she could. L is my friends Susana and Alfonso’s baby, and she’s taken to me like her very own tita. She’s conquered my heart, and I’ve conquered hers…though it may be because I’m the closest to her in age.
I’ve become the official photographer for Luna’s first couple of years, so shooting her taking a bath was nothing but fun and tierno. Kid loves the water, and every time I’d disappear to grab her jammies or rash medicine, I’d hear a screeching, “¿Y CAAAAAAAA?” It’s always nice to be adored.
A Photo That Makes Me Dream
It’s no secret I love sports, so my trip last year to see Real Betis at their final game of the season was a real treat. As I sat, green-clad, amongst béticos de toda la vida, I felt the pride I felt for being a Chicago sports die-hard, Hawkeye football fan and Packers supporter. Gone were the pretenses and the politics, just plain old “Soy bética hasta la muerte.” In the Liga where only Barça and Madrid get the attention, I felt a part of the action and rejoiced when Betis outscored their opponent and moved back into the first division. While we’re still on the bubble this year, I just remember that I’m a Cubs fan and that this, like all others, will be da year.
One can dream, right?
A Photo That Makes Me Think
While in China, we saw dozens of sites, thanks to our guide, Jack. Among my favorite were the hu tongs, small alleyways that become home to traditional neighborhood life. Jack took us to several, many of which were just steps from our fancy hotel, but one really made me think. the hu tong looked like a traditional one, but was full of boutiques and bars. As the little girl and her grandfather sped past them, I wondered how globalization and China’s taking on the world is mirroring how travel is affecting traditional cultures.
I did enjoy some roasted corn right before I snapped this, an obvious positive side effect in my corn-loving opinion.
A Photo That Makes My Mouth Water
I take pictures of food just about as often as I eat. And because I try new food when I travel, I chose this shot of the Wafunjing Snack Street in downtown Beijing. My dad and I spent nearly every night browsing the stalls, challenging one another to the grossest stuff we could find. Sheep penis, crickets and a deep fried snake were consumed with gusto, and the sheer fun in goofing off with my dad in a place where we were overwhelmed by culture shock (and intense jetlag) makes me want to return to China.
A Photo That Tells a Story
On a whim, six of us went to Marrakesh for a weekend. I’d been to Morocco before and been less than stunned by carpet vendors and cheesy dance shows with decent tanjines, so I used the excuse of a cheap flight to head to Africa again.
On our first afternoon, a clear voice rang out in the souk. ¿Cuántos camellos, María José? called us into his shop. I wasn’t interested in his goods, but remembered a high school friend telling me invitations to tea were quite common in Arabic countries. We accepted his offer of tea, letting him wrap our hair in gorgeous, hand-dyed scarves and paint köl on our brows.
The next day, Nourrdem invited us again, but this time to eat a rabbit cous cous with vegetables at the terrace on top of his shop. Using our fingers and scraps of bread, we scooped the delectable food in our mouth and washed it down with mint tea, before accepting to accompany him to a small village in the Atlas Mountains the following day.
This picture represents my first true time letting go with my travels and letting circumstance rather than a guidebook lead me.
A Photo That I am Proud Of
I fall in love with a lot of the shots I take, mostly for the feelings it invokes. And, really, I couldn’t chose one. I am lame and I am sorry for it! Instead, I’ll leave you with a photo from 6am at the bus terminal in Prague when I finally made it to my 25th country. Please ignore the extreme exhaustion and joker face.
So, friends, get snapping away!
This Blonde, Kelly Holland
All those detalles Katie Stearns finds
Seville’s very own Scribbler, Fiona
Tell me which shots you like, or share one that tells its own story!

Great shots! From one Cubs fan to another… remove yourself from reality for a moment and just dream with me: and don’t be embarrassed if you cry a little, because I sure did.
Don’t worry…it’s posted to my facebook. Cabra be damned!!
Your beer photo my fav!
Tardes in La Riazor and Orzán are th reason I risk rain in Galicia every summer! Heading up there next weekend and looking forward to showing my novio around.
The phrase corn-loving makes me think of “cotton-pickin.'” I really enjoyed this entry, especially the Morocco story. I need to learn to let go too.
Olé esa cerveza más hermosa jiji!! When will you be in Coruña this summer? We need to meet up and get some filetes and Estrella at La Bombilla!! Besos!
PS, have a great trip to Galicia! Let me know if you get to any of the tapas places!!
OMG I just want to eat little L up. So adorable! Great pics
She is so the cutest. And she loves you! Which is why I found your pink highlighter in my beach bag.
I’m a sucker for shots of cute, laughing kids! She is adorable!
This will happen….now that I am sober.
The Moroccan one is my favourite too – a shared meal as invited by a kind, friendly local (who doesn’t try to sell you anything) with good friends on a great trip – nothing like it!
I’ve just been tagged (by Julie Dawn Fox) and am tracking back. Fascinating reading people’s stories. I might be here all day! Seems I have a lot to live up to. Enjoyed meeting you.