Last year, my querida Kait Alley left Spain saying, “This GD country has been doing nothing but shitting on my head for the last eight months.” I kind of feel the same way, just about the last two weeks. It’s been nothing but drama and quite a few tears.
Melissa’s cousin (I will call her Prima because she’s a minor) came to stay with us because, at 17, she was pregnant and being beaten by her gypsy boyfriend. The poor girl was scared out of her mind and confused, leading her to be a perfect house guest – quiet and never in the way. The three of us always tried to have someone at home should she need anything, inviting her out with our friends. After five days here in Sevilla, she and Melissa went home to La Linea de la Concepcion to visit their family.
I arrived home on Monday just before 3pm to find Prima in the sitting room, watching the Simpsons. I asked her how she was feeling, commenting on how she even looked more animada, and she told me she had done a lot of thinking and felt refreshed. I took a shower, and when I left the bathroom, I noticed the door to Melissa’s room was slightly ajar. I went into my room to get dressed and Prima appeared shortly after to tell me she was going to go for a walk outside to clear her head. I offered her my keys, which she refused, saying she’d be back within the hour. By 6:15, she hadn’t showed up and Sanne and I reasoned it was a nice day, or she had gotten lost. I went to give class, and by the time I got home at 9:30ish, she still hadn’t shown up. Melissa came home running from class to find that Prima had robbed 263€ from her tuition money. Since she had been gone for several hours, she could have been anywhere.
Turns out she’s camping out in her boyfriend’s house, refusing to come out. Some of her family members have seen her and there’s already a kidnapping notice for her because she’s a minor (if I understand correctly). She’s got a record already for drugs and is no longer pregnant, which she found out last week.
The other big news is that Kike has to work in Madrid for two months. Madrid isn’t in some isolated corner of the globe, but it will effectively be a long-distance relationship because we will be, at best, 2.5 hours away from one another. Sure, there’s weekends and cell phones, but I’ve gotten accustomed to having him back in Sevilla and was trying to plan around all that so that I would go home for the majority of the two months he’ll be back in Sevilla. Spanish people are spontaneous. Meeee not so much.

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