School’s been let out for summer (for language assistants, anyway), providing me with four blissful and sweltering months all to myself. In my break between Olivares and A Coruna, I’ve made the most of long siestas during the unbearably hot afternoons, a few trips to the beach, a five-day trek to Croatia’s Dalmatian coast and back, and plenty of Cruzcampos and caracoles (snails).
The biggest downside is that all of my Erasmus friends/Auxiliar friends are getting ready to leave, then all of my Spanish friends are stuck studying for their exams until the end of the month. All of my teacher friends are busy grading exams and conserving what little energy they have for the last two weeks of the school year. While I can’t complain too much about my lazy summer, with another trip left to Madrid and Segovia this weekend for a wedding, I’m worried I’ll start getting bored soon! That, and that Ill melt. You know the weather is sweltering when people are wearing flip flops (a HUGE faux pas) and walking single-file down a wide sidewalk in the only shade a building can provide.
More about Croatia when I have a moment! And I’ll be back in Chicago on Sunday, July 26th. Besos!

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