Camp is moving along smoothly, save a few bumps (literally) in the road, so I appreciate all of your contributions to Seville Snapshots. Today’s takes us to the chillier winter months, where the orange trees that dot the city become one of the city’s most important symbols.
Says Sam: I’ve been loving looking at your photos of Sevilla and reading your blog! I wanted to submit one of my own photos from my most recent trip there in March. It was taken with my phone, so it’s nothing fancy, but I love how it sums up what it’s like to walk around Sevilla at that time of year. Anyone who has spent time there knows the familiar resounding “splat!” of an orange hitting the sidewalk, usually just narrowly missing your head. This was the first time I’d seen a bunch of the oranges cleaned up off the ground in one bag. And to think, they look both harmless and delicious when they’re packaged up like that. There’s nothing about them that suggests that they’re just tiny little bombs, waiting to knock you out or obliterate your tapas and vino!
Many thanks to Sam Ley from !!
If you’d like to contribute your photos from Spain and Seville, please send me an email at sunshineandsiestas @ with your name, short description of the photo, and any bio or links directing you back to your own blog, Facebook page or twitter. There’s plenty more pictures of the gorgeous Seville on Sunshine and Siesta’s new Facebook page!

haha we had the same problem in Córdoba, beware the falling oranges!
These are also good for having “guerrillas de naranjas.” Best after a few cruz campos.
Everything is always better after a few Cruzcampos!!
Discovered your blog through APOML who commented on my Fresh Pressed blog. I look forward to catching up and viewing your blog after the dust settles. Bella
Thanks, B! I’m working on making some big changes (once summer camp is over), so stay tuned! Thanks for the follow.
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Hi all,
Check out this post at “Sunshine and Siestas,” where Cat has graciously shared my recent photo of Sevilla. I recommend you poke around her blog some – she has some great stuff about living and traveling in Spain!
When I lived in Seville my girlfriend would make marmalade from the oranges, it’s fantastic use honey instead of sugar and then its not so bitter. Sean