Can I make a confession?
Most of you guys already know, but just in case you don’t: I am a blogger without a laptop.
I left my laptop in the cab that took me from Barajas to a friend’s house in Madrid, and upon realizing it, went through all of the steps to find it: police denuncias, stalking taxi drivers in line, passing out my business card to any taxista willing to help me out. Six hours later, I returned home a bit defeated, but mostly just tired. It’s not the end of the world.
Still, I’m without the majority of my pictures until my parents come with the external hard drive at Christmas. So what’s a blogger to do with deadlines to meet and an audience to satisfy?
Carry Camarón on me like a third arm.
I left my new job at a a language academy on Thursday night to meet Gary of Everything Everywhere and one of my guest bloggers, Sandra of Seville Traveller, for tapas at La Bulla. As I cut through Santa Cruz’s narrow streets, the few street lights illuminating ancient streets, I heard the ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM of a rickety old motorbike as it zipped by me. Camarón was buried deep in my bag, but he came to life just before the motorist disappeared around the corner and onto Calle Santa Teresa.
Love taking shots? Been to Seville or Spain? I’m looking for travelers with a good eye to capture beautiful Spain and contribute to my weekly Snapshots section. Send your photos to sunshineandsiestas @ with your name and a short description of the photo and look to be featured here!

I’m not even joking, I would probably die if I didn’t have my laptop, and I’m not being dramatic. It’s my 2nd heart I feel like haha, oh wait or is that my Canon? Great shot!
I would be way, way worse off without my Canon, I think! Didn’t lose too, too much that wasn’t already backedup…in America!
So sorry to hear about your computer woes. Here’s wishing for a happy ending
Thanks, Susan! The chances of getting it back are slim, I’d say, but I’ve had several offers for borrowing and crediting photos! Just gives me a good excuse to get into the city and shoot!
I love your blog. It reminds me of when I studied abroad in Spain, even though I was in Granada. I really want to go back and am considering teaching there! Always look forward to your next post. Thank you.
Thanks, Mike! I wanted to study in Granada but never found a program compatible with ym university. So, I sucked it up and went to Granada. Gave me reason to come back to Andalucía (I even wrote in my Auxiliar application that I hoped to be in Granada! Life’s funny like that, isn’t it?)