Seville Snapshot: Christmas Lights at Town Hall

When it comes to Christmas, I’m typically a Scrooge. My ears bleed when I hear Christmas Carols or their Spanish counterpart, and the only redeeming part of the season are peppermint flavored ice cream, coffee and candy canes.

But Seville’s Christmas lights make the city look even better, I’ve always loved Christmas markets. Typically lit at dusk on the Día de la Constitución, December 6th, I was amazed to see them go on while waiting for some friends in Plaza Nueva on November 30th. Like watching the portada of the Feria light up in the Real, my childlike wonder of Christmas lights returned for a brief moment on a rainy evening, the rain splattering my face the way snowflakes used to in Chicago. I was suddenly thaknful that my parents had gotten cheap flights to Europe to be able to share the season with me. On the municipal Christmas tree, the reflection of the ayuntamiento, town hall, shone on a Christmas ball, dressed up for the season.

Got a photo of Seville or Southern Spain to share? I’d love to see it! Send me the photo, along with a short description of where you took it and links to any pages you’d like included, to sunshineandsiestas [at] gmail [dot] come. Look for a new photos every Monday, or join me at my Facebook page for more scoop on El Sur! What’s your favorite Spanish holiday tradition?

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About Cat Gaa

As a beef-loving Chicago girl living amongst pigs, bullfighters, and a whole lotta canis, Cat Gaa writes about expat life in Seville, Spain. When not cavorting with adorable Spanish grandpas or struggling with Spanish prepositions, she works in higher education at an American university in Madrid and freelances with other publications, like Rough Guides and The Spain Scoop.


  1. I love Xmas decorations, I was disappointed this year as in small town as Galway, the decorations are really poor! I miss Barcelona in December, with all lights on, Santa Llucia Xmas market, hot chocolate in Parallesa… The only thing I don’t miss are Spanish carols, just couldn’t stand them!!!
    Aga recently posted..Kolorowa feeria smaków na Boqueria/ Colorful taste of BoqueriaMy Profile

  2. Very cool shot!!! Our tree in Florence is simply decorated with red cutouts of the lily (giglio) the state flower… so basic, so italian.
    Tiana Kai recently posted..Christmas lights in FlorenceMy Profile

  3. Great shot!

  4. Beautiful photo. I visited Toledo last year just before Christmas. The decorations were wonderful. Seville is on my list of places to visit. thanks for sharing.
    Geri Dreiling recently posted..A King’s RansomMy Profile


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