this post was updated in February 2016.
Nine years ago, I began researching a way to make it back to Spain. I was a senior at the University of Iowa, finishing a degree in journalism and minoring in the inter-disciplinary “how the hell do I get abroad.”
Fast-forwarding to the present day, I’m sitting in the sunlight basking into my new home with a café con leche. My one goal post-college was to move abroad, and thankfully the North American Language and Culture Assistants gave me a visa, a job and the ability to make Spain my hogar dulce hogar. And since it began nearly a decade ago, loads more teaching programs in Spain have begun.
Remember Mike? He wrote about his intention to start a new life in Spain through the same program, and has gladly shared his experience of tackling the application process.
Well, the application period for the Auxiliares de conversaciones extranjeros en España finally opened up. However, I felt that I was going into this application process basically blind. All I really knew is that I had to login to Profex (the application system they use), and upload documents. Everything I had read of various blogs and forums said that you should apply AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! Basically, once someone applies they are assigned a number, and then once the application has been approved, placements in regions and schools are given out in the order of the application received. First preference being given to those who are renewing their current placements.
The website has a program manual that outlines the application process and a Profex manual that detailed each screen on Profex and how to navigate the page. Once I was actually in the process of applying, these documents were actually very helpful. I was able to begin working on the list of documents on the website which needed to be submitted for the application:
- The main page of a U.S. or Canadian passport
- A copy of college transcripts or college degree
- Letter of intent or statement of purpose
- Medical certificate (if not a U.S. citizen) – to be turned in during VISA application process
- Letter of recommendation
Before the application period opened, I was diligently working on the collecting all the items above. The passport page was an easy photocopy, as was the copy of my college transcript. I browsed many forums and blogs, as well as the Facebook group for this year’s auxiliares to see if it mattered between the transcript or the degree. Everything I came across said that it didn’t matter as long as one was uploaded. Needless to say, I chose the transcript. The letter of intent was fairly simple, as I had to put into words why I wanted to teach in Spain. However, the only glitch with it was that it had to be 300 words, so my 750 word first draft had to be significantly reduced. Who knows if they really even read it though?
The website had a guide for how to write and submit the letter of recommendation. The letter had to come from a professor or former professor unless the applicant has been out of school for over five years. I contacted my former professor and faculty advisor. She was ecstatic to be writing the letter for me. I was thrilled because I had been nervous that since I could not ask her in person she may say no or put it on the back-burner and finish it later than when the application opened. My professor wrote the letter in the format they requested and mailed it in. I asked that she send me an electronic copy so I could upload it online just in case it got lost in the mail. Luckily, she obliged and I was able to upload a copy when I was applying.
On January 10th and 5:01 p.m. here in Milwaukee, WI, (00:01 a.m. in Madrid), the application period finally opened. I began logging in and creating a user account, while following the Profex manual. After I had created a username and began entering my personal information, the system started to load very slow and kept shutting me out. I attempted to login a few times and kept receiving an error message from the website. Quickly, I began searching forums to see if others were having this problem, and I found out that others had the same exact problem. It seemed as though the mad rush of applicants had overloaded their server.
I attempted to login nearly every hour, sans when I briefly slept; however, it was to no avail. The same error message popped up every time. Since it didn’t work through Friday Spain time, I figured it would be down through the weekend, which it was. Although, it did not stop me from constantly checking to see if for some reason it would work! On Monday, I was able to login and finish my application. The Profex Manual was a breeze to follow with actually having the web page up in front of me. Most of the fields that need to be filled in are personal information, college information, any teaching experience, and any study abroad experience, fairly straight forward.
After all that information was completed, the fun part began: selecting region, type of city, and school preferences. For regional preferences the applicant put each group in order of preference, from 1 to 3, and then selects one region within each of those three groups. The options for regional placements are:
Group A: Asturias, Cueta y Melilla, Extremadura, La Rioja, Navarra, País Vasco
Group B: Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, Galicia, Islas Canarias
Group C: Andalucía, Castilla y León, Islas Baleares, Madrid, Murcia, Valencia
The regional preferences are followed by the type of city preferences, which allows the preferences of a rural community, medium sized community, an urban community, or no preference. Then, the school preferences consist of primera, secondaria, or no preference. Personally, I found this to be the most exciting part, as I was actually selecting where I would prefer to be located. Now, I know that I may not get placed in any of my selected preferences, which is perfectly fine with me. I was just excited to be actually submitting something that said where I would like to go and what I would like to do.
Once this part of the application is finished, Profex generates a .pdf print out. It is necessary to print this out and sign it because it needs to be mailed in to a specified regional coordinator along with a checklist that is initialed and signed.
An application becomes Inscrita once the online part is complete. When the regional coordinator receives all the documents the status is changed to Registrada. This is where my application is at this point. Admitada is the next stage, which is when all the submitted documents have been accepted. So far, no one that I know of has been placed past this stage this year.
According to everything I have read, it takes a long time to reach the next stage, Adjudicada, which is when they send the autonomous community assignment that the applicant has been placed in. You have seven days to accept or reject this placement. Assuming it’s accepted, the status becomes Aceptada. The final stage is when you receive your Carta de nombramiento, your school placements. These latter stages of the Profex application process are exciting to think about, but still seem far off for me. I’m just looking forward to being Admitada!
This whole Profex process was not actually as difficult as I had anticipated. Current assstant blogs and forums were incredibly helpful and reassuring throughout the process. Unfortunately, I discovered Facebook group for those applying to teach after I applied, otherwise that would have been pretty helpful too. In the end, I wound up with number 780. While it’s not the best number in the world, I still feel as though it is respectable and feel very comfortable that I should get a placement. I’m checking my applications status every hour, if not even more frequently, and I look forward to keeping everyone updated with my thoughts about this whole process.
Got any questions for Mike or me about the program?

Really good to hear an update from the first-year side of the ocean about the application process. We renewals here in Spain are having our own set of challenges, but at least most of us have the all-important inscrita number.
And for reference, Castilla-La Mancha, Cataluña, and Valencia cancelled the program for the 2012-2013 school year (and presumably the next one, too); the Canaries and Navarra only accept British Council folks, and nobody knows anything about Ceuta and Melilla, the two Spanish cities on the Moroccan coast.
Looking forward to hearing about your placement, Mike!
Trevor Huxham recently posted..Paris: The Best Christmas Present
You’re a stud, thanks for this info! I met a Brit who was in Melilla a few years ago, so it may be that they’re from the British Council, but – as with all things in Spain – es cuestión de cuándo va a cambiar!
Thank you Trevor! As of yesterday, I am now Admitada! So now, I play the waiting game…I found out at work on my cell phone and could hardly contain myself.
I’m a bit confused but maybe I missed a post. Is he in Spain now? was his application process a year ago January? Did he start a blog? I didn’t check back to my comment on the other guest post of his where I suggested he start a blog. I imagine there would be a link if he had. anyway, I would love to read it if he does start one!
very interesting process!! I think I’ve mentioned this before (maybe not on this blog) but this is something I am considering doing at the ripe age of 60 “when” we move to Spain (7 years from now, I hope!). I’ll obviously have to review this again at that time, but I found this very interesting nonetheless

tobyo recently posted..Winter beautiful
Mike is not in Spain yet, as the program doesn’t begin untli October. Blog in the process of getting started!
aha! I think it was his “café con leche” comment that confused me. It sounded like he was already there. Okay then, cool!! Can’t wait to see his blog!
tobyo recently posted..A visit to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como Park, St. Paul
The italicized part is me talking! Mike is still camped out in the Midwest, waiting to see if he’s gotten a placement.
This post was really helpful! Is it possible to start in the spring or does the program only start in the fall?
Hi Molly, Just Fall starts. If you happen to be in Spain in the Spring, you could always email them to see if there are any spots open, as sometimes people drop out midyear. Suerte!
Cat addressed the part that I am not in Spain. I’m in Wisconsin, in a 5-8 inch snowstorm to be exact. My blog is currently in the works and I will be certain to update you and everyone else once it is up and running. Thanks for reading and the encouragement!
for a minute I thought you wrote this and thought-
I think uploading documents is a fairly new thing how did you manage doing this 6 years ago?! Then I realized it’s a post from Mike.
Seems uploading docs is a fairly new thing, which makes more sense!
Or maybe I just have deleted the nightmare process of Profex from my brain!
Lauren @ roamingtheworld recently posted..Jet-lag, a hostel stay and an unexpected friendship
When Profex was introduced, it was the biggest pain in the culo and always crashed. I even went to the MEC office in Seville, saw the papers stacked up, and wondered what the point of doing it electronically was – they printed out every application anyway!
i think it s great that you are teaching people how. so many people talk about do this or that but few tell you step by step how… great. one day we might too!
gabi recently posted..The Time I Almost Died In Las Vegas- The Nomadic Family Budget World Travel Blog
I’m a proponent of the program, though it has its pitfalls! I never expected to like teaching, and this program gives you all of the good sides of it without the meetings, dealing with parents and admins, etc.!
Great info, Cat. I look forward to passing this on to those I know who are considering taking similar steps

Larissa recently posted..Free things to do in Florence
Thanks, Larissa! I found it to be a springboard for getting abroad, and it’s provided me with a career I have never considered. I’m more than willing to be in touch, too!
To everyone and anyone who is curious, my status was updated to Admitada! So now, I am simply waiting until the they find me a regional placement. There is a rumor out there that they will be doing a round of early placements some time in February; however, that is a rumor. If it’s not true, then I am expecting a regional placement around April or May. I will keep everyone updated if anything happens! Thank you all!
Very thorough and helpful! I wish I’d had something like this to help me through when I was in my early 20’s and completely at a loss of how to get a job overseas

Micki recently posted..Six Quick Steps to Nailing the Cheapest Flight
I wish this were available for Filipino citizens. I would love to get a job in Spain! Ohhh, such a romantic country! (And language of course. A lot of our words have Spanish roots.)
Aleah | recently posted..The Most Romantic Places in Europe
Since 2014 it has been opened to Filipino citizens, but mostly limited to those from the Big 4 universities (i.e., UP, Ateneo de Manila, De La Salle, UST).
This was one of the best decisions of my life. At 40 something, a lot of people thought I was crazy to ask for a year leave from a well paying job not knowing if they would take me back (and ready to quit if not) to become an auxillar. I’m back stateside now but the experience will remain one of the best years of my life and Malaga my second home.
I applaud you! It can be scary stepping away when you’ve got a lot more established in America, I think! Many thanks for your input, Christine.
Whenever I try to speak in Spanish I found very tough language to speak properly, but I’m still confident to learn Spanish soon. Your mentioned each suggestion about how to apply to me a language assistant in Spain is quite effective and educative. I’m very glad to find such suggestions, to learn Spanish perfectly mentioned suggestion will be effective for me. Thanks a lot.

Ericcson James recently posted..Tips for the Golfing Tourist
Spanish is a language that is much harder than it sounds! So many words and idioms. In my experience, moving here has made all of the difference, along with the willingness to learn. Suerte!
For anyone looking to get their TEFL certification to be a trained English teacher for Spain or elsewhere, take a look at International TEFL Academy as they train over 1,200 new teachers a year and provide lifetime job guidance assistance to teach around the world. They are an American based company and one of the largest TEFL school in the world.
I got a TEFL certificate before coming abroad, and it was great training. I went into the classroom with a better idea of what to expect and how to plan a dynamic class. Thanks for the tip, Bruce!
What about works visas, etc? Does being given a placement also mean you’re given a work visa? I did a TOEFL course in Barcelona a while back and was offered a job by the school at the end … a job that was quickly revoked when they realized I didn’t have a work permit and they had a policy of not applying for any. I was on a tourist visa while I was there, not even a student visa because they wouldn’t secure those, either.
Getting a placement will get you a student visa, as work visas are a long, excruciating process, not to mention expensive. You can get a student visa in other ways, such as studying at a language school, doing a masters, etc. This is why I promote the Auxiliar program: you get all of the necessary paperwork and health insurance, plus a letter stating you’re being paid by the government to prove you have sufficient funds. It will also be a test in your patience and a good into to spanish bureacrazy!
Hi everyone! This is Mike (author of the above post). I wanted to let you know that I got my blog up and running. If you’d like to follow my journey of teaching in Spain please feel free to follow it. Thank you!
Mike recently posted..Deciding to Teach Abroad
buenas acabo de enterarme de tu blog y la verdad es que me parece super bueno no sabia de mas personas interesadas en estos temas, aqui tienes un nuevo lector que seguira visitandote quincenalmente.
Hi, just wonder if the program has a need for older teachers, like me in their 50’s?
Also, how many hours a week do you teach? How much is the pay? Do they have locations in
other countries? Must you be fluent in Spanish?
Hi Sylvia, Thanks for commenting. I do remember seeing older teachers my first year, and my fellow assistant was in his early 40s. If you’ve been a teacher in the past, you will likely consider the job a BIG step down, but it’s a good way to earn some money while living in Spain. In Seville, I taught 12 hours a week for 700 euros a month, plus health insurance, and fluency in Spanish isn’t at all required. There is a similar program in France and I believe one in Italy now, too. Email me if you’ve got further questions!
Thank you for this super helpful post!!
I have a question about the letter of recommendation. I see that they prefer if a professor wrote it, but do you have any idea if that’s necessary? I have been teaching in Korea for the past 9 months, and feel it would be more appropriate if I have my work supervisor write the letter. She could comment on my teaching skills etc.
Also.. when submitting the application I see that it’s ridiculously important to submit as quickly as possible.. Does this include the documents that need to be uploaded? Or just the fill in the blank portion?
Thanks again for your help
Hi, Melanie! Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I think a reference from someone with whom you’ve worked is completely appropriate. Many assistants come directly from university, hence why they say professors. The program is competitive, but it’s really a numbers game more so than a question of whether or not you’re qualified!
EVERYTHING needs to be filled out – documents, profex, personal details. This post, as well as the manual that will be available closer to the application opening date, should help you 100%.
Good luck!
Hi! I’m from Melbourne Australia, I’m looking at applying for January 2015-June 2015 to teach.
It’s great hearing some good feedback about applying- obviously it’s a lot to do but many many people are saying it’s been terrible!
I was wondering, it’s fantastic you’re now “admitada” to the program- may I ask how long it was from when you applied to when you heard you got in? Gracias!
Hi Claire! Thanks for visiting. The North American program usually opens in December/January, and it seems like people began to get placed in May or June, or even later! In 2007 when I applied, there was no online platform, so I had to wait for the mail! I found out six weeks after the applications closed.
I’d talk to your consulate about teaching just half the year, as most positions are October-May. I’m no longer an assistant!
Thank you so much for that! That’s such a long time to wait, I guess I’d just have to go ahead with booking other travel plans and hope i get it!
Oh through my university we were allowed to accept a 6 month position, so we could get back for our 2nd university semester which is great! Thank you again!
Ah, that’s great!! I’d imagine wait times are significantly less because I’m North American, and there are far more positions for us. Plus, you’re not applying at a time where everyone else is. Good luck – and keep me posted!
I am applying to the program in January. However, I noticed that you said that the letter had to be from a professor unless you have been out of college or 5+ years. I have only been out of college for a year but I am currently a certified teacher (in Arizona). I have been teaching 2nd grade.
I was going to have my principal write my letter of recommendation. Is that allowed? Or does it have to be a professor? Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!! 
Hi Stephanie, unfortunately, I’m not the right person to ask since the requirements have changed so drastically since the year I applied (before there was PROFEX!). I’d say they barely even look at your letter since it’s in English anyway! It’s merely a formality, as many things in Spain. Suerte – and keep me posted!
Hi Stephanie! I think it would be fine to have your principal write your letter of recommendation. It’s just that most people cannot ask their boss to write the letter because most employers would not be comfortable knowing an employee is leaving. Here is the link to the guidelines for the letter of recommendation:
Mike recently posted..25 Things to Do While I’m 25
Thanks, Mike!
Hi – I also have a letter of rec question. I graduated from college more than 10 years ago, but have since completed grad school – about 3 years ago. Does anyone have a sense as to whether I have to have a former professor write the letter? I will have someone who is a professor write the letter, but he’s actually one of my supervisors and I didn’t know him as a student.
Thank you!
Hi Lindsey, I think I may have just replied to you on Facebook, but I’d definitely say your former professor is more than legit. After all, this is an academic position, and you’ve been out of school for a while. Go for it, and good luck!
I completely agree with Cat. I’d imagine that you will be perfectly fine with that letter of recommendation.
Mike recently posted..25 Things to Do While I’m 25
Hi there!
I’m applying right now and I had a question for you. I just finished the PROFEX part of the application and have printed and signed my PDF and checklist, but I’m not sure where to mail this. The PROFEX guide says “to your Regional Educational Advisor,” but I’m not sure where to find that information. I’ve found educational advisors once you’ve already received an assignment, but don’t I need to mail these documents to be accepted?
Thank you!
Hi Hana! Seeing as you go to Beloit, I’m assuming you’re from the Midwest. You’ll have to send your information here:
Mr. Francisco Barba Morán
Education Office – Consulate of Spain 358 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1404
New York, NY, 10001
If that’s not the case, the educational contacts are on page 9 of the 2014-15 Application PDF. Suerte!
I think this is a similar question!
But how long before your application is officially “registrada” (they’ve received your paper work)??
Hi there! Your documents won’t be registrados for a good six weeks or so, and you won’t hear back about a position until May. When you are accepted, you’ll be assigned a region (Galicia, Madrid, etc.) and then you have five days to accept. I got my actual school placement in late June, which is entirely up to the comunidad autónoma and not the Ministry of Education. Suerte!
Hi! Thanks for sharing all the info! But what were some of the forums/websites you used that helped you through the application process? And I hope I’m not too late!
Hi Elizabeth! When I applied in 2007, there were no resources! Nowadays, Facebook ( is probably your best resources, as well as blogs from participants. You’re probably not too too late, but the application inscrita numbers seem to be high already – maybe close to 3000. I would also look into other programs, like the ones listed at this link: Good luck!
Hi again!
I have completed everything on profex (I think *fingers and toes crossed*!) so I am ‘inscrita’ and have a number… Does that mean I’m in the system? And now all I do is wait? There’s now options for ‘online registration’ or printing out a PDF and I’m so confused!
Hi Claire! When I was in the program, there WAS no Profex (I know, awesome). I’d imagine that it takes three-four weeks to be registrada, but don’t worry too much – many people drop out when they get their regional placements. From what I understand, you have to print out the PDF, sign it, and send it to your regional coordinator in the US. Also consider some of the other programs if you’re really set on Spain:
Get used to the waiting – it’s all you’ll do in Spain! Good luck!
Oh, and how long did it take from ‘inscrita’ to ‘registrada’?? I’m so worried as I just read the above comments that the application number are up to like 3000
When I applied last year, it look 3 weeks to go from inscrita to registrada. Once you mail in the pdf and checklist, it takes them a while to go through it. It’s just a waiting game. As long as your documents were all sent in correctly, you shouldn’t have a problem though.
Mike recently posted..25 Things to Do While I’m 25
Hey! Just wanted to say your blog was mentioned in The Local
– Fellow blogger
Very cool! Congrats Cat!
Mike recently posted..25 Things to Do While I’m 25
Thank YOU for providing your insight!
I am waiting to receive an offer and am checking the profex site everyday. It is now late april and I have still not heard back. Should I be concerned or does it take awhile to receive an offer?
Hey Alex, when I applied to the program, there was no PROFEX, so it’s hard for me to say when placements will get sent out. Are you admitid@? And what’s your number? It sounds like they’ve only placed up to 600 or so Americans, including repeaters, so I wouldn’t stress too much yet! I got my position in 2007 in early May, and a school placement in late June.
Hope this helps – suerte!
Hi Alex,
I’ve been out of the program for a few years, so I’ll do my best to help. What’s your application number, and what stage of the game are you? Have you been admititda? Are you waiting for a regional placement, or a school placement? Feel free to email me, too!
I was just accepted to my region with number# 4450, they updated me to ‘adjudicada’ July 28, 2014. There is hope for people down on the list. 😉
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
That’s great to hear, Lee! Where are you headed?
I just accepted Galicia…
My dad is from Galicia and the family lives in Galicia so I was planning on doing a Master’s program at la Universidad de Santiago in Sept and wondering if I can do both. What time of day, hours a day, and days a week might work an auxiliar?
Are auxiliar hours flexible at all?
*Concerned that I overcommitted.*
The hours and times of both the auxiliar program and the masters are entirely up to the schools. I did work full time at an Academy last year while doing a masters. Takes some sacrifice, but doable!
I’m applying to be an auxiliar in January 2015, and I was hoping to get some reassurance about my letter of recommendation! I’ve been out of school for only a year and a half, but I’ve had a steady full-time job since graduating and have been working closely with my supervisor during that time. Do you think I’ll be okay getting a recommendation from her, or should I ask a professor from college? Any input would be very much appreciated–thank you so much!
Hi Maggie! Great to hear you’re going to be moving to Spain. To be honest, I don’t think that the government even looks at letters of rec, so you shouldn’t be worried! The majority of applicants come to Spain to teach right after graduation, so many rely on professors. I’d say do whichever you’re comfortable with. Suerte!
Hi !
I’m applying to be an auxiliar for this October 2015-May 2016 academic year. The application opened Jan. 7 and I still have not submitted my app. I’m freaking out because im waiting on my letter of recommendation and I know its first come first serve! do you know how late is too late?? do you think i still have a chance of getting in if i submit within the next week?!?
It’s never too late! I’m not sure how far into the numbers they are, though people do get placed late. Keep in mind that people will drop out or decide not to go between now and October, so definitely send it! If you do decide to wait another year, just be sure to follow the instructions for declining (I believe you have to send an email), and you won’t be penalized!
Figured this might be helpful info to gauge where you’re at! I just submitted my application today and my number is 2558. Any idea as to how many they accepted last year? I’m trying to find that info and can’t find it anywhere!
Good luck!
Hey Rachel! Sorry it took me a few days to get back to you. People with numbers in the 3500s got placed last year (just a bit later), so I’d say you’re 99% in! Some people do drop out, but the placements are given in waves. You’ll find that everyone updates their number, too, so you’ll just have to be as patient as possible and watch the numbers climb. Suerte!
Hey there!
I applied for the program this year and I still see the status as ADMITIDA. About how long into the year are you supposed to hear whether you got accepted or denied?? October is just around the corner and I’m wondering if my status will change any time soon. Feedback is greatly appreciated thanks!!
Hola, Mariana! That totally depends on your nationality, your number and your regional preferences! There is no penalization for arriving late due to visas, and it seems that numbers in the 3200s are beginning to get placed.
Definitely check your spam folders frequently, as well.
Good luck!
Hi Cat! I am not sure how to create a new comment so excuse my reply to this–not 100% sure of what I’m doing haha.
I applied and I was assigned applciation #537 for the 2016-2017 Auxiliares year. They have reached application number 922 as of yesterday evening. They just started assignments. Do they go in order? Did they skip me? Is it random? Lol. I am freaking out. I just want to know already!! Haha. Enough waiting.
thank you!!
Hi Kate! It’s been a while since I’ve been in the program, but it seems like people are looking into Profex to see if their email got lost in the mix. I’m sure your regional assignment is there waiting for you. Good luck!!
Any advice on writing a good letter of intent?
Honestly, I don’t think they read them! I wrote mine in 2007 about returning to Spain to spread goodwill and learn Spanish while inspiring my students to do the same. Good luck!
I would like to apply as language assistant, but I’m Filipino. I don’t know if nationality has a big say when it comes to admission to the program. But, I am very much interested in giving it a try. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Ernest recently posted..Semana Santa 2016 Madrid
Hi Ernest, I do believe Filipinos can apply to the program. Worth picking up the phone and calling! Good luck.
I’m considering doing this at some point. My biggest obstacle is updating my resume after a decade of blogging!
Meagan @ Mommy Travels recently posted..Discovery Parks Airlie Beach Resort
I created my profile on Profex before the opening of the application period and now can’t seem to sign back in. Am I missing something? Is there a way to see where I’ve already completed my CV and other information?
HI Mary, I’m sorry to be seeing this so late, you were phised to spam! I hope you got everything sorted.
Hello! I am going through the application process now. How do I know who I mail my information to? I am from Pennsylvania. Also who do we make the letter of intent out to? the same person im assuming?
Thank you!!!
Hi Kate, I’m sorry to be answering this so late, your comment ended up in my spam folder. Did you figure out to whom you had to send your letter?