Seville Snapshots: Cat at the Alcazaba, Almería

With beautiful vistas of the sea with a sharp red desert contrast the background in which lies the city of Almería. It may not be the most picturesque city in Andalucía but it has a few unexpected gems: the sea, you choose free tapas and treasures from Moorish rule, including the Alcazaba of Almería. Second biggest fortress, the alcazaba, was built by the Moors during their rule in Spain, though the Alhambra of Granada takes the grand prize. Most  don’t know about the Alcazaba but it’s certainly worth a visit if you’re in the area.

While roaming and snapping my way through the fortress, I seized the opportunity to capture the one of the essences of the past that still remain – cats that seem to remind us who once inhabited this place amidst the backdrop of ruins.

Lauren David writes at Roamingtheworld, which began in 2007 when she set off with a one-way ticket to travel from Eastern to Southern Africa solo. Nine months later, she accomplished a dream and stayed put in the San Francisco area until she got itchy feet 3 years later and moved to Andalucía, Spain in 2011. She’s traded sunny skies, free tapas for picturesque landscapes and occasional snowstorms in Basque country. Her blog is about life as an expat, travels, food, and the unexpected. Visit her atRoamingtheworld and follow her on Facebook.

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About Cat Gaa

As a beef-loving Chicago girl living amongst pigs, bullfighters, and a whole lotta canis, Cat Gaa writes about expat life in Seville, Spain. When not cavorting with adorable Spanish grandpas or struggling with Spanish prepositions, she works in higher education at an American university in Madrid and freelances with other publications, like Rough Guides and The Spain Scoop.


  1. When I saw this post’s title in Google Reader I thought you, Cat, had in fact gone to Almería. Haha! Regardless, I’m glad Almería’s gettin’ some love on your blog—I happened to be there for half a day in order to take the ferry to Morocco and LOVED the city, especially the alcazaba.
    Trevor Huxham recently posted..Confession: I’m HomesickMy Profile

  2. Hi Cat, that’s a beautiful picture. This is a really inspiring blog, I hope you’re enjoying travelling the world, it really motivates me to do the same :)
    I look forward to reading more from you!
    Steve recently posted..AffiliateMy Profile

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      Thanks, Steve! Wish I could take the credit, but it’s a photo that Lauren of “Roaming the World” took when she was living nearby in Roqueta del Mar. Hope you find the site useful, and please do visit again!

  3. Thanks for including my “Cat of Almeria” as part of your snapshot series!
    Lauren @ roamingtheworld recently posted..A play on words: Creative pintxos in San Sebastian!My Profile

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