Seville Snapshot: Afternoons in the Plazita

Can I confess I love that my breath still sometimes gets caught in my throat in Sevilla, even five years after moving here? Or that even seeing the Giralda’s soaring spire makes me stop and admire?

One place I really love in a Spanish community is the plaza. It’s more than a landmark – it’s always a meeting place, a catwalk, a social center. I remember when Plaza Nueva was just a big roundabout. Thanks the the ex-mayor giving it a pedestrian makeover, the square just in front of the town hall, has become a hotbed for celebrations, rallies, artisan markets and tour groups.

I just prefer it when the kids are chasing one another on their scooters and the abuelitas are just feeding the pigeons, waiting.

What are some of your favorite plazas in Seville, or Spain? 

Got a photo of Seville or Southern Spain to share? I’d love to see it! Send me the photo to sunshineandsiestas [at] gmail [dot] come. Look for a new photos every lunes.

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About Cat Gaa

As a beef-loving Chicago girl living amongst pigs, bullfighters, and a whole lotta canis, Cat Gaa writes about expat life in Seville, Spain. When not cavorting with adorable Spanish grandpas or struggling with Spanish prepositions, she works in higher education at an American university in Madrid and freelances with other publications, like Rough Guides and The Spain Scoop.


  1. I love plazas! and I also wrote about squares in Barcelona! They are perfect to cave a beer and observe the locals!
    Aga recently posted..Experiencing Food in Seville by Cat GaaMy Profile

  2. I do think that every city needs a plaza – a leafy, green space in the middle of the city for residents to hang out with their families. I really do miss that about South America.
    jill recently posted..Getting Naked Jjimjilbang StyleMy Profile

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      Spain’s are legendary! My college campus didn’t have a proper quad, so I’m getting my fix now!

  3. I love that walking outside on a cold, but sunny Ohio morning, I’m immediately brought back to those chilly, bright winter mornings walking to the university in Seville. That happened just yesterday and made me smile. I remember loving Plaza de las Americas and being in awe of all the white pigeons there. I think I spent more time waiting for friends at Plaza Nueva though or botelloning in Plaza de Cuba. Cat, you’re right on…. Spanish plazas are great!

  4. Oh to be able to live in España!
    Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..San Francisco & Napa Valley: Day 4 (Part 2)My Profile

  5. Yes I do love plazas and people watching!
    Though in Vitoria we have 2- a big plaza España similar to the one in Salamanca but no one really hangs out in the plaza everyone gathers in the adjacent one that’s more of a passing through area. Interesting what areas become popular and frequently used in a place!
    Lauren @ roamingtheworld recently posted..It’s all about Perspective in the ClassroomMy Profile

  6. Plaza Nueva was where my friends and I would always meet up to go out at night when we lived in Sevilla. We never failed to run into some sketchy characters, but your daytime photo makes it look very pleasant :)
    Sam recently posted..Julia Child in Germany: Lonely Like a CloudMy Profile

  7. I love Spain’s plazas – they’re so nice on a sunny day with all the abuelitos out! Sevilla has some really pretty ones. I actually like the plaza with Las Setas because they’re so weird (but I forgot the name, it was under construction when I lived there).
    Jessica of HolaYessica recently posted..Winter in BarcelonaMy Profile

  8. David Emery says:

    My favorite place in Seville is Lebrija Palace museum: It reminds me a lot of the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum in Boston.

    • Sunshine and Siestas says:

      Hi David, One place I’ve yet to visit is Lebrija! My friend lived out front and I’ve wanted to go inside for ages.

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